Friday, April 15, 2011

Many Red Devils...

It is Friday and I am sitting here in Photography class waiting for my panoramic picture to finish merging and listening to Imogen Heap a wondering what to do while I am waiting. So I blog for you now: few who read my blog. Is it really necessary to use 2 computers to get my stuff done? At this place yes, yes it is. Stupid computers.

So I have decided to blog on Many red devils... by Stephen Crane for no reason other than the fact that it is fresh in my mind since I presented it 2nd hour.

I really liked this poem because SURPRISE! I could connect to it.
But first...
This poem is very true to Crane's style. He wrote with a very ironic tone and wrote poems that you really had to think about. Not about stealing plums or other such things. I think that Crane had a lot going on in his mind, but sometime's had difficulties expressing it. He lived a very normal to poor life ie. nothing really special happened for him. He died at an early age though. He was only 28 when he died of some illness I can't recall. The really cool thing that I found about Crane was that he majorly influenced Ernest Hemingway. He lived in the late 1800s and died in 1900. Right at the turn of the century. Poor guy. Basically, he was a very in depth type of person who made you think.

When I read this poem I envisioned Crane sitting at his desk with the intention of writing something; a poem or story. As he sat there I could see his frustration as he wrote then scribbled out his thoughts.

I know that I usually have a lot on my mind and sometimes it's hard for me to express what i'm trying to say. It's almost like an internal battle. Do I say this or is that bad? Should I say that or does it not make sense.

I also understand the use of only one stanza because this makes it more focused since he is talking about only one subject. His thoughts.

Good work Mr. Crane, you made me think.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, Kaya! And good use of your time. I like that you are seeing Crane's style. Good ideas/thoughts on this one! How'd your photo turn out?
