Sunday, October 17, 2010

Those Winter Sundays

Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden is such a deep poem.This poem really spoke to me because it is cool how the narrator talks about his father this way.  This father just sounded like a great man, but in reading this poem I sensed a hint of regret coming from the narrator. I think that the narrator regrets treating his father the way that he did. I think that the narrator wishes that he would have paid more attention to all of the things that their father did.

I am really close to my father so i don't really see how the narrator just took his father for granted like this. It makes me sad for his hard working father because it sounds like he was a great man who tried very hard to be good and do good but never really got recognition. It is really cool to look at how other people view their fathers though because fathers are supposed to be such dominant figures in peoples lives.

Everyone looks at their relationship with their father differently, and it makes me sad when people take hard working people especially their parents for granted.

1 comment:

  1. It's always more interesting when you can make some sort of personal connection. Good!
