Little Apocalypse by Charles Wright is such a cool and powerful poem! When I first read this poem, I didn't really understand it very well and it was kind of confusing but after we discussed it in class I really liked it. I had no idea what the four horses was referring to, but in class I found out that it was referring to the four horsemen of the apocalypse which made it that much cooler. I also liked how in the poem, Wright makes all of these small things like butterflies and ants seem bigger and more important.
"The ground shudders beneath the ant's hoof."
That is really cool because when we think of ants, we think of little annoying bugs and we don't really think about the different parts. We especially don't think of ants feet as hooves, because that just makes me think of horses and those are rather big. Wright did a really good job of telling how there are all of these little things in the world that seem insignificant but they're really not. I liked how the poem started off with these litttle things and it seemed kind of cheery but then it built up to the apocalypse, which is not a cheery or small thing.
I really enjoyed this poem and I think that it is really interesting and unique which makes it stand out from the other poems that we have read so far.
"I really enjoyed this poem and I think that it is really interesting and unique which makes it stand out from the other poems that we have read so far." Good! I do try to mix it up. :)