Thursday, February 24, 2011

Praise In Summer

This week, i am a little late on blogging; oops. Well either way i'm blogging now and about a very ... poemy poem that I am not sure whether I like or not.

This fine day I am deciding to blog about the timeless Praise In Summer by Richard Wilbur, oh yeah. SO this poem was a little confusing to me, but on the bright side it is made up of 1 stanza; a 13set. One stanza. 14 lines. Anyways, this poem had a classic abab rhyme scheme so nothing impressive there. However, I found it interesting that Wilbur used said a couple times as well as rhyming with it. Not only did he use said, it was "I said" so i think that Wilbur was commenting on his views of the world.

I can't completely grasp the whole poems idea, but I feel like Wilbur is in a sense saying: Why question the immaculate beauty that is surrounding us when we can just enjoy it? I think he is right because the world is a beautiful place and it can be a waste of time to ask why when you could just enjoy the beauty. Duh. I mean Wilbur said it a lot more elegantly but I think he could have possibly said that. 

Wilbur has a very nice way of writing which allows him to write about deep things and sound intelligent as well. He was probably a well educated person, or maybe someone not very bright but who has incredible spurts of enlightenment.

As the great Forrest Gump once said: "That's all i have to say about that."

1 comment:

  1. Nice look at the structure. A little more thought on the rest?
