Lost Brother by Stanley Moss is such a touching poem. I really liked this poem because I think it is really cool how Moss compared himself to a tree. He didn't make it obvious that he was comparing himself to a tree, so you really had to look to find that but it was really cool. To me, it almost felt like Moss was identifying with the tree in the fact that both himself and the tree were connected because they were both kids of mother nature.
I think that in this poem Moss was making a statement about nature and the cutting down of trees all around the world and how bad it really is. It was cool because so many trees get cut down everyday, but no one really pays any attention and it really doesn't effect them like it did Moss. I think that it was really cool that Moss wrote this poem the way that he did because it really makes you think about nature. I know that when I read the poem, I felt bad for the tree in the story even though it was an inanimate object. I felt a connection to the tree as well because Moss personified the tree by calling it his brother. My favorite part of the poem was at the end when Moss said:
Sooner or later, some bag of wind will cut me down.
I thought this part was funny because he distances himself from humans and refers to them as bags of wind. I think that this poem is very creative and really makes you think about nature. Also, I felt that this poem was very well written and one of my favorites so far. Two thumbs up Moss!
"...both kids of mother nature." I like this thought! Don't let a bag of wind cut you down, girlie! ;)